Air pollution in Delhi touched alarming levels


Accordingly air pollution has become a major health and environmental problem in all the countries. india has been facing its worst effects. Recently the World health Organization forecasts that overall pollution levels in Asia will be increased in the coming decades. Furthermore according to WHO, around 3.4 million deaths occur each year due to the continuous inhalation of air which is polluted. World Global Ambient air Quality Database reports depict that about 93 per cent of children in the world breathe the air with pollution levels which have exceeded their guidelines. Along with children, 80 percent of people living in urban areas breathe air with pollution levels that exceed health standards.


As per report E-nose technology is very useful in measuring and monitoring carbon and greenhouse-gas emissions. E-nose technologies are capable of monitoring industrial manufacturing processes to minimize the production of pollutants. E-nose technology is very helpful in designing more environmentally-friendly, clean technologies for energy production in various industrial processes. Perhaps the Electronic nose works in a similar manner of human the brain. In the human brain, the smell is identified using receptors in the human nose. Receptor after identifying a particular smell, which is composed of molecules, sends the signal to the brain. After that, Brain identifies the smell associated with the particular molecule. In the case of Electronic Nose, it uses sensors as a receptor. After a specific sensor receives the molecules of smell, it transmits a signal to a program for processing.


Moreover the electronic nose has a variety of applications in  agriculture, environmental, food, water, biomedical, cosmetics and various scientific research fields. E-Nose has a wide range of pollution-detection applications which range from atmospheric pollutant, detection of carbon emissions from bio-fuel production plants and fossil-fuel production sources from industries.

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