Do you know the Most Searched Word in 2017? Mariam Webster Dictionary reveals

The famous Mariam Webster dictionary has announced that Feminism has been chosen as the year's best English word. The company has announced that word has been selected for several reasons and that two more words have also been selected.

It's to be noted that, all the selected words have a good connection with the American president Donald Trump. Mariam Webster is one of the popular dictionaries of the world, available online, as well as in the form of the app. The company has the habit of selecting best words of the year every year, and this time, they've chosen three words.

Feminism beat the other words in contention like complicit, dotard, empathy etc, to become the best of 2017, because it was used by 70% of netizens, and was in widespread use thanks to protests in America against Trump, that he was against Feminism, and "Me Too" campaign against abuse. Besides complicit became popular as it was most used by Trump and Ivanka Trump, while dotard was frequently used by Trump and Kim Jong of North Korea.

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