India attends meetings but does not vote...?

S Venkateshwari
India attends meetings but does not vote...?

India's choice to dissent nevertheless, indian ambassador Ralph Heckner of switzerland indicated that india was right to attend the meeting. india has taken part in prior discussions aimed at resolving the ukraine conflict, according to a statement released by the indian Ministry of External Affairs. In august 2023, India's National Security Advisor, Ajit Doval, attended a summit in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. In january 2023, the Deputy NSA participated in Davos. india attends all of the meetings regarding the situation in ukraine, but it stays away from any involvement in approving a resolution. This has been India's position ever since the war in ukraine started. Additionally, india has represented the country in the international Atomic Energy Agency, Human Rights Council, United Nations General Assembly, and United Nations Security Council.

Peace is not the aim of the West.

Director of the South Asia Institute Michael Kugelman has written, "I can understand India's decision to send a secretary-level diplomat to the peace conference." However, it wouldn't have caused any harm had India's foreign minister also been present. india has long maintained that a peaceful settlement is important and that violence is wrong, and this would have sent the appropriate message to them. In response to Kugelman's remark, Kanwal Sibal, the former foreign secretary and ambassador of india to Russia, wrote on X that india might have dispatched its foreign minister if peace was truly the aim. However, peace is not the West's aim. The West is deciding illegally what to do with Russia's central bank's assets and is arming ukraine more. This is not a true summit for peace.

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