Dad felt uncomfortable doing romantic scenes - Rajini's daughter

Rajini Kanth’s daughter Soundarya is directing her father film “Kocchadiyan” and she shares her experiences with media in her recent interview. These are words said by her when asked about her shooting romantic scenes on Rajini kanth and Deepika Padukone. “Guess it was because I was around and calling action and cut, dad felt very awkward to shoot some romantic scenes, God willing if I get an opportunity, I would love to direct dad again. I feel blessed to have directed him. I would be really happy to work with him again, As a father he's very caring and protective, but as an actor he's highly professional. I felt it throughout the film's shooting and it was very evident in most scenes,”. She also adds “Due to the technical process involved in the making of the film, we missed earlier release dates. The audio launch will take place March 9 and I will soon confirm the release date as well,”. Meanwhile Karbon mobile company is planning to launch a mobile named Kocchadiyan which will also contain all movie data pre loaded.

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