Custody, an original action thriller directed by venkat Prabhu, stars naga chaitanya and is scheduled to open on this month's 12th. Despite the positive hype, the powerful and captivating trailer raised the bar for the film. Curiosity was sparked by the fundamental notion of the hero defending the villain.
According to the film's director venkat Prabhu, he was inspired by the malayalam film Nayattu. "I wrote the tale in my free time. naga chaitanya admired it to the fullest. He does make a good option for the part of the ambitious constable. For a very long time, producer Sreenivas was keen to collaborate on a film with me. A good love story will also be in the film, according to the director. "Shiva works as a police officer in a small village. He is a father. He also has a love story.
Shiva's issue is the subject of the opening scene. He must deal with an issue that is not his. The entire film, from the pre-intermission to the end, keeps you on the edge of your seat. This movie was created taking into account the preferences of telugu and tamil viewers. It is an all-encompassing topic. It's enjoyable for all. The film's plot moves quickly. naga chaitanya seems animated in the advertisements. The actor naga chaitanya is fantastic. In this movie, you'll witness the new Chay. In my films, I like to depict heroes in unique ways. We have created the action portion in a really distinctive manner. Everything is brand new.