Itlu Maredumilli Prajaneekam - Hit or Flop at Box Office ?

 Itlu Maredumilli Prajaneekaniki is written and directed by AR Mohan. It is a social drama that sheds attention on the current predicament of indigenous groups. The hindi film Newton is partially responsible for the central theme of Itlu Maredumilli Prajaneekaniki, which is the election in a far-off region. Beyond that, though, there is nothing, and this is where the story completely changes course.

As an election official, a teacher travels to the village of Maredumilli and attempts to remodel it in his image. Here, the teacher and the problems are the main subjects. We observe the problems emerge one by one right away. They are the essential necessities—school, hospital, and transportation—that the government must provide. The director tries to weave the problems into the narrative, but sadly it doesn't work out that way. 

The primary reason for this is the intense emphasis on the "problems" and how they are presented one after another. It produces a formulaic impression. The love story involving the heroine or the situation with the brother are attempts to make things organic, but they are again jumbled up with the bigger problems. The movie just had 40% occupancy and it might end as a flop in Box Office.

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