Every 127th person on earth is a victim of autism?

S Venkateshwari
Every 127th person on earth is a victim of autism?

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a condition that is spreading rapidly all over the world, and it can affect a person of any age. A recent study has revealed that every 127th person on earth is a victim of autism, and the effect of this disorder is twice as much on men as on women. This figure shows that autism is no longer just a limited problem, but it has become a global challenge, which cannot be ignored.

First of all, let us understand what is this autism?

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a type of brain disorder that affects the way a person thinks, understands and behaves. people affected by this are not able to connect easily with other people in society and they have problems in communication. This disorder can appear differently in every person. In some people it is mild, while in some it affects severely.

The most common symptoms of autism are difficulty in communicating, being very interested in a single task, doing everything in the same way and being afraid of change. It is mostly seen in children, but sometimes it can also happen in adults. If it is identified early, then such children can be taught properly, so that they can mingle better with the society.

What has the new study said about this?

Recently a study 'Global Burden of Disease 2021' has found that the number of people suffering from autism is increasing rapidly all over the world. According to this study, every 127th person on earth is a victim of autism. It has also been revealed that around 6.18 crore people in the world are affected by this disorder. The results of this study have been published in the international journal 'Lancet Psychiatry'. The study also revealed that autism spectrum disorder is one of the ten most non-fatal health challenges for children and adolescents under the age of 20.

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