Partner snoring is extremely horrible


The researchers conducted a study to measure the sound levels produced by self-reported habitual snorers. Among the 162 snorers examined, the team found that 14 per cent of the subjects exceeded decibel level 53, while 66 per cent exceeded 45 decibel. Researchers of the study said snoring represents a source of noise pollution in the bedroom, while bed partners can be affected with the mitigating sound. Scientists say earplugs could prove to be helpful if you have a partner who snores.


The effect of one's snoring on the other partner is based on a 2016-study, published in the journal Deutsches Ärzteblatt international, which states that noise beyond an advised level can induce stress reactions that have effects on the cardiovascular system.


Heavy snoring is linked to obesity, which can result in a condition called sleep apnea. The most common type of it is obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA). One of the major symptoms of sleep apnoea is loud snoring.

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