Prenatal yoga

Rama Rao
If you practice yoga, even on an occasional basis, you’ll have a more comfortable pregnancy. Look for Classes taught by instructors trained in prenatal yoga. If they’re not available in your area, make sure That your instructor is experienced with pregnant. Yoga strengthens the abdominal muscles, which can relieve back pain; alleviates sciatica and leg cramps Through stretching; stimulates circulation, which can increase your energy; and stretches the pelvic area to help prepare for child birth. Plus it’s great for your posture. Your breasts get heavy during pregnancy, and the normal tendency is to slump. Yoga opens up the chest and elongates the spine. Stretching increases flexibility, which comes in really handy as the pregnancy progresses. When you’re Flexible, you get around more easily and don’t feel as tired as you would if your muscles were tight. It’s important to take precautions with any exercise program, especially when you are pregnant. Here are A few important guideline.     

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