What is healthy ageing?


Stay positive. One of the best-known ways to keep feeling young is having a positive mental outlook. For a healthier and happier life, surround yourself with positive, vibrant people and be one yourself. Cheerful people are less likely to get sick. They also live an average of 7.5 years longer.

Stay active. Regular exercise lowers the risk of heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, obesity and dementia. And that’s just for starters. People who walk briskly for just five hours a week are more likely to retain mobility and mental sharpness as they age. Exercise also keeps bones strong and helps the brain release depression-fighting serotonin.

Eat the right foods. Studies show that eating wisely is a key to staying younger both physically and mentally. A healthy diet can reduce your risk of chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease and cancer. You’ll feel and look better when you eat more fruits and vegetables, especially the deep-colored and green leafy kind, which contain age-fighting antioxidants.

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