Common problems related to digestion can become the cause of stomach cancer

Sekar Chandra
Common problems related to digestion can become the cause of stomach cancer

Digestive Health: These common problems related to digestion can become the cause of stomach cancer, ignoring it can be costly

Digestive Health: Today we are telling you about 3 such common problems related to digestion, which can be dangerous to ignore by considering them common.

Digestive Health: These common problems related to digestion can become the cause of stomach cancer, ignoring it can be costly

Digestive problems

Due to today's bad lifestyle and wrong eating habits, people are facing digestive problems. Due to this, problems like constipation, gas, acidity, heartburn, diarrhea, indigestion, bloating are common (Digestive Problem). Not only this, due to continuous digestive problems (Digestive Health) and many other reasons, cases of stomach cancer are also increasing in people.

In such a situation, World Digestive health Day (World Digestive health Day 2024) is celebrated every year on 29 May all over the world to bring awareness among people about digestive problems and to keep away the serious problems caused by it. Today we are telling you about 3 common problems related to digestion, which can be dangerous if ignored considering them common.

Gastroesophageal reflux is a problem related to the digestive system, due to which heartburn starts. According to health experts, if this problem is ignored for a long time or negligence is shown, then it can also cause chest pain and bleeding from the esophagus. In such a situation, to keep this problem away, it is important that you make necessary changes in your lifestyle and have dinner two hours before sleeping at night.


The problem of constipation is becoming common among people nowadays, in this situation the process of defecation becomes very painful. Due to this, some people bleed while defecating and the pain is also very severe. According to health experts, if constipation becomes chronic, then in this situation its treatment becomes difficult. In such a situation, one can get rid of this problem by adopting good eating habits.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

According to health experts, in case of irritable bowel syndrome, the patient data-faces serious problems like stomach pain, changes in bowel movement, diarrhea and constipation. Not only this, bloating and feeling dull all the time due to irritable bowel syndrome are its common symptoms. In such a situation, the patient should immediately contact the doctor and get himself treated.

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