Psoriatic Arthritis: Due to this disease!

Sekar Chandra
Psoriatic Arthritis: Due to this disease!

Fingers and toes start bending in a strange way, do this as soon as the symptoms appear

Psoriatic Arthritis: If you see these symptoms in the toes, then be careful, because it can be a sign of this serious disease. Let's know what are its symptoms...

Psoriatic Arthritis

When any disease develops in the body, our body starts giving us many types of signals. If these signs are identified and treatment is started in time, then any disease can be prevented from growing, it can be eradicated from the root. Today we are telling you about one such serious disease, whose symptoms need to be identified and treated on time.Actually, we are talking about Psoriatic Arthritis. According to health experts, this disease can happen to people of any age, but this disease is more common in people between 30 and 50 years of age. Let's know what is psoriatic arthritis and what are its symptoms (Psoriatic Arthritis Symptoms)...

What is psoriatic arthritis?

According to health experts, psoriatic arthritis is a chronic autoimmune or inflammatory disease, due to which red rashes or scaly spots start appearing on the body. Due to this, serious conditions like joint pain, problems in bending hands and legs and swelling can also occur. Not only this, in psoriatic arthritis, toes and toes start bending in a strange manner.

What are its symptoms

*Problem of prolonged fatigue

*Swelling in fingers or toes

*Stiffness, pain or swelling in one or more joints

*Feeling more tired in the morning

*Red spots or blueness in nails

*Redness in eyes

How to prevent it

To avoid psoriatic arthritis, things like regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding smoking and reducing the intake of supplements can be included in your routine life. In such a situation, it is important to consult a doctor immediately if any symptoms appear.

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