3 simple and easy steps to reduce weight

Shareef Zafarullah
Many a times we take resolution for reducing our weight, we promise ourselves for a strict diet, and regular exercise, but unfortunately after few days the weight loss resolutions fizzle out. But if we follow few simple steps, we can reduce weight easily.

Reduce sugar and carbs in your diet – its very important to cut back on sugar and carbohydrates in our daily diet. Reducing these thing will reduce our hunger, and we don’t indulge in binge eating. It will helps in reducing insulin levels, which will help in eliminating excess salt and water through our kidneys. This will reduce our water weight considerably.

Eat more protein and vegetables – consuming protein and leafy vegetables affect the overall weight loss regime. Moreover eating protein rich foods helps us in reducing our daily calorie intake. eggs, fish, meat, are good  source of protein, leafy vegetables consumption increases our digestive system health. Most importantly protein is important for strength in our body.

Lift weights three times a week – exercising at least three times a week helps a lot in weight loss, just lift weights to burn unwanted calories, if you cannot lift weights go for cycling or aerobics. Light exercise is also good for overall healt

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