Food that makes your cough worse...

S Venkateshwari
Food that makes your cough worse...

If you are having a lot of cold and cough, then you would know what to eat, but do you know what things act like poison in your problem? You may find some foods and drinks effective for cough and cold, but in reality, they work to make your cough and cold worse. So let us know what are the things included in the worst food list for cold and cough.

Do not eat these things even by mistake in cold and cough

Dairy products-

Milk is considered good for health. But consumption of milk during cold and cough can cause problems. Do not consume milk in cold and cough. Dairy products increase the production of mucus in the body, due to which there is a possibility of increasing the problem of cough. 

Sweet things

Stay away from sweet things in case of cough and cold. sugar is a serious cause of inflammation. Immunity also becomes weak due to excessive consumption of it. 


Caffeinated things like tea-coffee, soft drinks, and diet coke work to make mucus. Taking these things in a cold and cough binds the phlegm in the chest, so consuming these things can be harmful in case of a cold.

Junk Foods

Junk foods like cake, ice cream, biscuits, burgers etc. increase cold and cough. The oil present in it binds the phlegm in the chest.

Spicy Foods

This problem can be aggravated by eating oily things during cough and flu. Everyone likes to eat tangy and spicy food in winter, but pungent and spicy food can also cause a burning sensation in the stomach and a watery nose.

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