Mango leaves can be your answer to cure diabetes!!!

S Venkateshwari
Mango leaves can be your answer to cure diabetes!!!

Diabetes is one of the most common diseases and it has ruined millions of people. diabetes patients have to pay special attention to their diet. Many herbs around us can prove to be very beneficial in keeping the amount of sugar in the body right. Mango leaves are considered very effective in the treatment of diabetes. Know about their benefits -

Importance of mango leaves in preventing diabetes

When mango leaves are small, their color is red or purple. As the leaves grow, their color becomes green. Mango leaves are rich in flavonoids and phenols. In addition, they also have strong antioxidant properties. These leaves can be used in the form of powder or decoction to avoid diabetes.

In some regions of Southeast Asia, delicate mango leaves are fried and eaten raw. Mango leaves can also be used for various therapeutic purposes. Not only this, mango leaves also have the ability to increase insulin and glucose. Along with this, mango leaves also play an important role in controlling the level of sugar in the blood. Mango leaves can be used to avoid both diabetes and cholesterol.

Use mango leaves like this to avoid diabetes

 Boil 10-15 mango leaves in water till they become soft. After boiling completely, let the leaves cool overnight.  If you drink this mixture every morning for a few months, you will see a change in the sugar level of the blood.

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