Climate Change: Zero Carbon Emission is just a Legless Movement...!

Sindujaa D N

Due to globalization, carbon dioxide emission, deforestation, marine pollution, vehicle production, indiscriminate deforestation, etc., which are emitted from industries all over the world, are being carried out daily by imperialists and brokers (corporate) for economic profit. 

The effect of these is the cause of climate change. 

Further crises caused by increased methane-hydrocarbon, projects, coal extraction projects, etc. will only exacerbate global warming.

The UN Climate Change Summit (until 12.11.2021) is being held in Glasgow, Scotland. It is attended by 120 countries and is discussing "zeroing carbon dioxide emissions". 

The imperialist powers, their allies and the countries they exploit have all participated in this conference. 

These countries talk about how to protect the environment while protecting the interests of their respective corporates.

When the increase in carbon dioxide is a corporate profit, how can we prevent global warming while protecting their interests? 

To cover up the unlawful capitalist profiteering that is the root cause of climate change, the ruling class's press and media are blaming all people for "human activities destroying nature and causing climate change."

Corporates who plunder natural resources for their own profit and fight against such plunder - anti-methane project struggles, anti-fisheries bill struggles, anti-Sterlite struggles, tribal struggles against mining, deforestation are going on all over India. 

Similarly, people all over the world are protesting. The developed nations like UK and US plays a very safe game by blaming india and Asian countries. Are we aware of this earlier?? Where are we?? 

Climate change is to blame only Asian Countries?? Why can't UK and US manufacture their own products instead of getting from India?? 

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