Chickens were made to exercise..!? Two years in prison..!?
Adults did not just say, "Whether you do it knowingly.. or unknowingly, it is still a mistake." An incident in england made this saying come true. A court there sentenced two people to two years in prison for putting chickens on a treadmill for fun. This verdict shows the strictness of animal welfare laws and how humans should treat animals. Raising chickens is a unique culture in our country. Here, they are mostly used for meat. Especially during Sankranti, chicken fights are held like a big festival. Chickens are raised with great care for these fights. They are given nutrition like cashew nuts and almonds. They are kept in special cages. They are also given training such as exercise and swimming. They start preparing them for the race a year in advance. Special sheds are built for them. They are made to rest in AC rooms at night. They are specially raised in coconut groves, bathed in the morning and evening, and then kept safely in sheds.
This incident raises a big question about how we should treat animals. While animals are viewed in one way in our culture, in other countries their protection is given top priority. However, it is our responsibility as humans to realize that animals are also living beings and that they experience pain and suffering. It is not at all justifiable to act in a way that harms them, even for fun. Let us hope that this verdict will increase awareness among people about animal welfare.