Lollu Saba comedy actor Siriko Udhaya lost his left leg..!?
Comedy actor Siriko Udhaya, who became famous through Lollu Saba, had to have his left leg amputated as he was suffering from diabetes.
Lollu Saba was well-received by the fans. Actor santhanam is famous through this show. Today he is acting as a comedian and hero in cinema. Not only he but also Manohar, Swaminathan, Jeeva, yogi Babu, Maran, Jangiri Madhumita, Balaji, and many others have become famous. Some of them are acting in the cinema. The show was well-received by the fans. Siriko Udaya is one of the actors who acted in this show. He became famous through this show. Apart from that, he is also acting in cinema. He has acted in comedy roles and character roles.

His father had been unwell for the past few months. The diabetes increased. Due to this, he had to have the entire area below the knee of his left leg surgically removed. His father is now doing well. He has said that he will go home soon. It is noteworthy that many actors Muthukkalai and king Kong have visited Siriko Udaya, who is undergoing treatment in the hospital, and provided necessary assistance.