Gas leak...!? People suffering from eye irritation..!?

Sowmiya Sriram
Gas leak...!? people suffering from eye irritation..!?
A chemical gas leak from a chemical plant in the Ambernath district of maharashtra has left the entire city polluted and gray. A chemical gas leak from a chemical factory in Maharashtra's Ambernath has left the entire city air-polluted and gray in color. There are reports that some residents of the area have suffered eye irritation and sore throats due to the chemical gas leak. There was a gas leak last night from a chemical factory there. In many videos released from there, gas can be seen spreading throughout the city. It is not yet certain how long this air pollution will last and what kind of impact it will have. It is said that this heavy smoke was seen from the suburban area about 45 km from mumbai at 11 pm last night.

Residents of Ambernath were seen walking around with their noses and mouths covered due to the chemical gas leak. Smoke has spread as far as the eye can see and has engulfed large areas. The gas is said to have reached the railway line and if the situation worsens it will complicate efforts to evacuate people. Officials are trying to address the spread of the gas. And they continue to monitor the spread of gas. The situation is under control and no one has been admitted to the hospital due to serious injuries so far, Yasin Tatvi, head of the disaster management department of thane Municipal Corporation, told the media. Also, the authorities have advised people not to come out unnecessarily and stay at home. A leak of phosphorus-based gas in the factory caused thick white smoke, officials said. Also, the officials said that the production activities of the factory have been temporarily suspended after the gas leak.
People feared the incident in maharashtra was reminiscent of the 1984 bhopal gas leak, one of India's worst industrial disasters. However, it is worth noting that it does not affect that much. On december 2 and 3, 1984, about 3 thousand 800 people died due to a gas leak in the capital of Madhya Pradesh, Bhopal. The tragedy occurred when 40 tonnes of methyl isocyanate gas leaked from a pesticide manufacturing plant there. It is worth recalling that this poisonous gas leak not only caused deaths but also caused health problems for thousands of people.

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