Pooja Hegde Teases With Her Next...
The actor will next be seen opposite actress pooja hegde in the film Suriya 44, which is likely directed by karthik Subbaraj. The movie's official release date will be revealed soon. Despite the fact that Suriya44's creators have remained silent regarding the film's narrative and theme, actress pooja hegde recently gave a significant spoiler that has people enthralled.
A fan asked the Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki jaan actor, "What can we expect in Suriya 44?" during a recent Ask Me Anything session on her instagram stories. "If karthik Subbaraj had to write a love story, what would it be like?" the actress said in a video response. "Can't say more than that," she wrote in the video's caption. The movie is expected to be released by Summer 2025.