Another history of legendary football player..!!

Sowmiya Sriram
Another history of legendary football player..!!
Cristiano Ronaldo has crores of fans all over the world. A few days ago, Ronaldo scored his 900th goal. This is a record that could not be achieved by anyone including the legendary Pele and contemporary Messi. Ronaldo does not seem to be surpassed in this regard in the future. In this sequence, he also owns another record. Ronaldo is also active on social media after his re-entry. Recently, on the occasion of scoring the 900th goal, he made a post in the way that we have made history. Now he owns a record that no one else can on his social media. The combined number of followers in all his accounts has crossed 100 crores. This is a feat only Ronaldo could achieve in the world. He posted thanking fans for this. We have created history. 100 crore followers is not just a number. Moreover.. this is proof of your love and affection' he said.
 Ronaldo posted that he played for his family and fans. He praised that one hundred crore people stood for him. This is our journey. He declared that we have proved that we can achieve anything if we all come together. He thanked his fans for believing in him and being a part of his life. 38-year-old Ronaldo was sidelined by the manager at a crucial stage in the Football world cup held less than two years ago. With this, it was considered certain that he would retire. Now, he says, he still has to give his best performance. They want to achieve more success and create a new history. Ronaldo has been on instagram and data-facebook before. He recently joined YouTube. Within a few days, his number of followers crossed one crore. Already has more than 6 crore followers. Ronaldo is followed by 63.9 crore people on instagram, 11.3 crore people on X, and 17 crore people on Facebook.

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