Renu Desai, the ex-wife of Pawan Kalyan, shared something on her instagram page. According to the article, pawan kalyan was distressed and unhappy about a personal matter, as was her daughter Aadhya. Recently, a family photo of pawan kalyan appeared on social media. Together with Anna Lezhneva, his third and current wife, he was spotted posing with his kids. This turned into the focal point of the dispute.
Numerous individuals began making fun of the picture by introducing Anna Lezhneva, who was not her mother. Many others even questioned renu Desai's presence. It appears that renu desai and Aadhya are both agitated by all of these bullies. renu desai even said that after seeing such comments and memes, Aadhya started crying. She even blasted the trolls and pleaded with them not to bring up family matters.
Renu Desai frequently deals with trolls when responding to several admirers who occasionally act inappropriately in their responses. She recently responded to a fan who said that he missed her as Pawan Kalyan's wife. We will have to wait and see how far this goes. It would be preferable if renu desai disregards every fan response and post. Otherwise, she must sometimes feel guilty.