Chinese Real Estate Companies are advertising Wheat and Garlic instead of Homes

The corona virus has caused a significant decline in the real estate market in china, where it costs a mouse to purchase a home. Following this, Chinese real estate businesses employ enticing advertising to sell houses to farmers as a form of commodity exchange in exchange for wheat and garlic. Globally, china and india both experience high levels of interest in home ownership. In china, buying land and gold for investment purposes is still a common practise.

In Chinese culture, it is equally challenging to locate a bride for a homeless groom. As a result, similar to india, the majority of young people have a habit of purchasing their own property within a few years, adding to their income from employment. As a result, China's real estate sector has always welcomed the real estate industry. One of the most cash-strapped industries in china is the real estate market. In this instance, the corona's spread has had a significant negative impact on China's real estate market.
The corona virus is once again on the rise in china, especially right now. According to reports, Omicron's spread has resulted in an upsurge in illnesses. The Chinese government is then putting in place tight limitations. china is likewise enforcing harsh lockdowns in some areas.
This has a negative impact on people's quality of life and paralyses the economy. china has seen a sharp decline in property purchases. As a result, countless homes have been finished yet are still available. According to research, China's real estate market, which makes up 25% of all Asian companies' output, had a significant fall between january and May.

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