Overnight Beauty tips to wake up prettier


Add some coconut oil to your routine

There is a reason why coconut oil is all the rage right now. It is a fantastic smelling and inexpensive tool that can play so many roles in beautifying yourself. Chelsea Jackson, a junior at Iowa State University, suggests adding the miracle oil to your nightly beauty routine to wake up with gorgeous, shiny hair.

Change your pillowcase often

Even though it’s probably the last thing on your to do list, you should probably change your pillowcase tonight. Why? Because any dirt or oil from your hair and skin comes into contact with that pillowcase, as well as dead skin cells and sweat. All of that nastiness can build up and come into contact with your freshly washed data-face, sabotaging your beauty sleep. 

Give your skin some daily TLC

Skin is very delicate, especially on your data-face. Think about it; our data-faces battle a lot every day, whether it is harsh winds, harmful rays from the sun or pollution. Before you hit the sheets, be sure to spend time on cleansing your skin and ridding it of all the dirt and gunk that can get caught up in your pores. 

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