Treatment for cracked heels

Sekar Chandra
It is really a painful experience for cracked heels as you can’t wear stylish stilettos nor can you walk properly. To take proper care of feet means to give them the right nourishment through balanced diet. Lack of zinc, Vitamin E, Calcium, Iron and Omega 3 Fatty acids can give you sore heels too. It also means keeping your feet well moisturized and protected from extreme temperatures, dampness, too cold or hot air, dust and so on.

Glycerin is one of the best moisturizers that one can imagine. Mixed with rose water, it can give you smooth and soft heels without any cracks. Mix ¼ part of glycerin with ¾ parts of rose water. Add the fresh lemon juice to this mixture. Take warm water and add salt to it and mix and soak your feet in it. Let the feet be there for 15-20 minutes.

If you wish, you can add some lime juice to this water so that your dead skin cells may loosen up quickly. Now rub the feet with pumice stone to drop off the dead skin cells. Pat dry and apply the glycerin mixture. Do this preferably at night before going to bed. Once the heels are cured, apply the glycerin lotion to your heels every day after having bath to prevent recurrence of cracked heels.

Another remedy too can be done with milk and honey. Pour the honey and milk in to a foot soaking basin and mix well. Soak your feet for 15-20 minutes in the mixture. After about 10 minutes of soaking, start massaging your heels that are still in to the basin soaked in milk honey mixture. Keep doing this for 10 minutes and wash with lukewarm water. Follow the steps to get  smooth and soft heels. 

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