What are the benefits of putting oil in the navel -P1!!!

S Venkateshwari
What are the benefits of putting oil in the navel -P1!!!

Navel is considered the central point of the body. It is connected to the nervous system of the body. By putting oil in the navel, the body gets many benefits. We adopt many ways to avoid diseases, one of which includes applying oil on the navel. oil massage is considered an important part of traditional medicine in India. Even today this therapy is effective in fighting many diseases. Here we will know what are the benefits of putting oil in the navel and which oil is beneficial.

If you put two drops of oil in the navel before sleeping at night, then it gives many benefits to the health, so let us now know which disease can be cured by applying which oil on the navel.

Neem oil is a panacea for acne

If you have acne or pimples on your data-face, then neem oil can prove to be very beneficial. To get rid of acne, a few drops of neem oil should be applied on the navel daily before sleeping at night.

Almond oil for skin

If you also want to improve your data-face, then apply almond oil in the navel. With this, you get rid of the problem of the data-face in a short time. To get a glowing data-face, start putting 2-3 drops of almond oil in the navel every night.

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