If you are watching too much Porn, Google will send you 'This Message'

The very mention of the word porn would make many people feel guilty. However, Google will statistically prove how much Indians love sex. Apart from what's right and what's wrong, how to hide and how to safeguard secrets, and the general principles, let's see some general things.

Suppose a user sees excessive porn on the internet, Google itself sends a message. To access such sites in secret and to maintain privacy or hide from others, browsers have an incognito mode. Most people use the mode purely to browse porn websites.

Google's incognito mode helps users by protecting them by not saving browsing history. When there are more than 100 tabs open, the browser itself displays a wink symbol and a smile symbol to indicate the user's excitement. The wink appears in windows OS while smile appears in iOS.

Though many users don't know the actual meaning of these symbols that appear at the top right corner of the browser, it is now made clear that this is just an indication from Google to show the user that he has gone a certain limit beyond the threshold in his urge.

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