Women should do Yoga for Physical Strength


Recent research shows that physically active yoga benefits people with mental health issues, and eases depressive symptoms in them. However, it is not just not depression, yoga helps with a whole range of physical and mental wellness issues, especially during a global health crisis.


"In our busy, stressful daily routine, amidst the hustle of work, we often let things that matter fade into the noise. Our minds, are constantly on a move but our bodies are often not. We have tried tiresome diet plans and all kinds of fasting, walks but kept stressing about that meeting we have tomorrow, all with minimum results and even lesser benefits. The COVID-19 pandemic is almost like a wakeup call, to start building up our immunity, to take a step towards a healthier lifestyle. Staying fit does not necessarily translate to achieving the perfect body or having the best pair of abs. Fitness, contrary to popular belief, is an amalgamation of a healthy mind, body and soul. And yoga is the perfect fit," Dr Manoj Kutteri, Wellness director at Atmantan Wellness Centre told IANSlife.


A lot of yoga aasanas depend on your breathing, well almost all of them. Exercises like the pranayama and anulom vilom, engage your breath in a more conscious way, something we don't focus on normally. While focusing on these breathing exercises we manage stress effectively and in a more conscious manner. Especially for people with asthma or other chronic lung diseases, these breathing exercises make a huge difference in exercising the lungs and thereby aiding in their healthier functioning.

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