Banned in films, remained in jail for many years

Banned in films, remained in jail for many years!!!

Everyone has their own story and struggle in hindi cinema. Some have to struggle to get films and some have to struggle for other reasons. There was one such actor who got films easily because his father was an actor, director and producer but due to some of his own foolishness, he ruined everything. Then after many years, he recovered and today is in the industry with a successful career. Yes, we are talking about sanjay dutt who was the only son of his star parents and his every wish was fulfilled. sanjay dutt himself had told in an interview that all his wishes were fulfilled before he could speak, hence he could not appreciate anything. Let us tell you those things related to sanjay dutt which you hardly know.

Sanjay Dutt's early film career

Sanjay Dutt is the first child of nargis and sunil Dutt. nargis and sunil dutt raised Sanju very lovingly. Due to some misdeeds of Sanjay in his childhood, his father sent him to boarding school. When he returned, his father selected him for the film rocky and started making the film. During that time, sanjay dutt befriended some wrong people and fell into wrong company. sanjay dutt remained very close to his mother nargis but before the release of the film rocky, she died due to which Sanjay became even more lonely. The film became a superhit but due to some of his mistakes, some of his films were successful but most of them were flops.

Sanjay Dutt arrested in mumbai bomb blast

Sanjay Dutt's name also came up in the 1993 mumbai bomb blasts. According to reports, some weapons which are banned were recovered from Sanjay Dutt's house. The case dragged on and Sanju had to spend a lot of time in jail. During that time, film offers stopped coming and after some time, Sanju was banned by the entire industry. Actually, in that case the court had imposed TADA Act on Sanju and the film industry had banned him. However, that act was later removed but he still remained in jail. When Sanju came out, he had no work but at that time vidhu vinod chopra took a risk and gave the film Munnabhai MBBS (2003) and the film was released. people started hating sanjay dutt because of newspapers and news channels but 'Munnabhai MBBS' changed Sanju's fate and people became crazy about Munnabhai.

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