Telangana Hyderabad Police impose restrictions for LS polls and by-elections

Regarding the forthcoming lok sabha election and the May 13 by-election for secunderabad Cantt in the twin cities, the local police have placed restrictions on mobility and alcohol sales. The limitations will be in effect from May 11 at 6 p.m. until May 13 at 6 p.m.
Assembling voters, conducting door-to-door campaigns, and carrying sticks—with or without flags—lathis, guns, or any other weapons during processions are all forbidden in hyderabad and secunderabad, according to a news release issued by the hyderabad police on Thursday, May 9. Large parties or meetings have also been outlawed within a one-kilometer radius of voting places.

As per the police announcement, it will be illegal to display pictures, symbols, and posters that incite religious hostility or enmity among different communities. On election day, it is forbidden to raise pandals, and shamianas, or use loudspeakers to address the audience. It is also forbidden to use music, singing, speeches, or any other instrument to address the people. election officials on duty in hyderabad and secunderabad, police officers (including home Guards and SPOs), and members of the armed forces and paramilitary are free from this.

On May 13, the election day, in hyderabad and secunderabad, Section 144 will take effect, making it illegal for more than four people to congregate in one location. On May 13, the order will be in effect from 6 a.m. until 8 p.m.
There will be two lines of voters—one for men and one for women—from secunderabad and Hyderabad. It is not permitted for men and women to form separate lines.
Even though they hold different types of licenses, the police have ordered the closure of all bars, restaurants, hotels, clubs, and other businesses that sell or serve alcohol. This includes non-proprietary clubs, five-star hotels, and restaurants.

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