An interesting incident that happened while procuring a goal !!!

S Venkateshwari
An interesting incident that happened while procuring a goal !!!

Viral Video: indian Forest Officer Susanta Nanda has posted this video saying that honesty and respect for teammates are more important than achieving success in the game.

A video is going viral on the internet that conveys the need for honesty in sports as well. indian Forest Officer Susanta Nanda has been posting videos on her twitter page about wildlife, birds, and interesting incidents in the jungle. He has now posted on his twitter page a beautiful event that took place in a stadium. In this video, a player picks up the ball from the opposing team and advances towards the goal post suddenly he got severe pain in his leg, as a twist occurs the opponent player picks up the ball and he throws the ball out of the post without scoring a goal in anticipation of victory. The players then apologize to each other. The indian Forest Department official posted the video saying that honesty and respect for teammates are more important than winning the game.

He shared this video on his twitter page by saying 'Sports do not build character, they reveal it.'

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