A vision long in the making by Google


Reportedly it’s a long accepted idea that the very best user interdata-faces are the ones that feel the most natural. Perhaps no one understood this better than Steve Jobs, who rejected the common idea of the smart phone in 2007 and instead relied on the "digital styluses" that nature gave us all 10 of them.

But this is only one instance in a steady evolution of forming technology to our natural human inclinations. While our fingers navigated our phones, digital pens returned creating improved drawing and note-taking tools, fingerprints become our lock buttons, and even our facial expressions were imported with apple's Animoji. "Voice assistants represent the third key UI and technology platform shift of the past three decades," says Harvard business Review. "Web pages gave us 'click' smart phones introduced 'touch'...these transitions required consumers to learn a new language...the shift to voice doesn't require any training."

After all, complex language is what separates us from every other species on the planet. It's unique to us and it's our most powerful natural tool for communication. So it only makes sense that eventually it would also become the best means to communicate with our devices.

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