The invincible warrior that beats the American F-35...

S Venkateshwari
The invincible warrior that beats the American F-35...

France is preparing to bring a new 'avatar' of its fighter plane in front of everyone. france wants to make a fighter jet that can perform better than the US F-35 aircraft. france is making this aircraft in collaboration with Dassault Aviation. This company makes Rafale aircraft.

It is believed that the new fighter jet can be named 'Rafale F5' or 'Super Rafale'. France is hoping that this new model of its flagship fighter jet will strengthen its identity again in the international market. In recent years, the American F-35 has posed a big challenge to Rafale in the global market. The new Rafale version is targeted to be ready by 2030.

It will be named 'Rafale F5' or 'Super Rafale'!

The jamming radar installed on the 'Super Rafale' will make up for the technical shortcomings of the existing Rafale aircraft which are not in it. Apart from this, it is also being designed to carry guided missiles developed by a joint effort of france and Britain. These include future cruise missiles and anti-ship missiles.

Equipped with radar and jamming technologies

An advanced targeting pod will also be added to this new Rafale version, which will provide excellent accuracy by combining the capabilities of Talios and Rico NG. The 'Super Rafale' version will be designed to work in coordination with a wingman drone called nEUROn. This modern fighter aircraft will be controlled by the pilots autonomously, allowing it to protect not only itself but also other systems working with it during enemy attacks. It will be equipped with radar jamming and self-defense technologies, which will make it more capable of facing threats.

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