Why is Parvathy called as Adi Shakthi?

Sekar Chandra
Goddess Parvati is one of the primary deities worshipped in Indian mythology. She is considered the daughter of Himalaya, the king of the mountains. Though the Goddess has assumed many forms and there are many legends associated with each form, but the form of Parvati is very important because in this form, she marries Lord Shiva. It is believed that Adi Shakti, the primordial power behind the universe, takes birth as Parvati.

Recognizing this connection, Parvati is known as Adi Shakti. According to Hindu mythology, Adi Para Shakti the Goddess or Devi is the Supreme Being who is recognized as Para Brahman. In short, she is Adi Shakti. Adi Shakti takes the concrete form of goddess Lalita Tripura Sundari, who is believed to be the first and original manifested form of the Mother Goddess. Further, Lalita Tripura Sundari incarnates as Parvati, as the daughter of mountain Himalaya. Parvati is then married to Lord Shiva and is the mother of Kartikeya and Ganesha.

The first seed gave birth to Krishna in the masculine form and Kali in the feminine form. Because they were born from the same seed, hence, they are considered to be cosmic siblings. Kali then converted herself to Lalita Tripursundri, and gave birth to two bubbles. From one bubble, arose Vishnu, who gave birth to Lord Brahma and Gowri, who incarnated as Sati, and then Parvati. The second bubble was of Shiva and Radha. Radha further expanded herself to Lakshmi, Saraswati and Ganga.

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