You can read others minds ! - Part 2

Sekar Chandra
Yesterday we say about the mind reading and the body language how people makes. We saw about Knee pointers and today we can see about the rest. The next one is Eye movement. People's mind can easily be read through their eyes. When a person tries to remember an image, they will look upward to the left.

If they don't try to remember they will look upward and to the right. But don't let this to be a decisive factor. Also you can judge a person by the rate at which he/she blinks. Normal blink rate is between 6 to 8 times. But in case of more stress, the blink rate is higher.

Raised eyebrows are a true expression of curiosity and interest. Lowered eyebrows can induce negative emotions such as confusion and fear. The lowered gaze gesture often goes with parental response. If some one does that be sure that you stay gentle to them.

You can determine which image a person is looking based on people's minds. A computer model was devised to peep into the person's brain activity. But this model is not 100% right. The tone of voice can also be helpful to get the answers.

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