History Maker: Parmanand Deepchand Hinduja - Founder of Hinduja Group

According to sources Gooichand Hinduja is an Indian born British billionaire businessman, the co-chairman of the Hinduja Group. As of March 2018, together with his brother Srichand P. Hinduja he is the UK's richest man. Since the 1990s, he has been consistently ranked among the UK and Asia's wealthiest people. Earlier in May 2017, Hinduja topped the Sunday Times Rich List with an estimated wealth of GBP  16.2 billion ($21 billion). Meanwhile based on the rich list compiled by Asian Media & Marketing Group, Hinduja's wealth is estimated at GBP 19 billion ($24.7 billion). 

Furthermore as per report, the Forbes List in March 2018 ranked him and his brother GP as the world's 55th richest billionaire family with an estimated wealth of $19.5 billion. According to sources he is married to Sunita Hinduja, and they have two sons and one daughter, Sanjay Hinduja, Dheeraj Hinduja and Rita Hinduja.

Previously in 2015, their son Sanjay Hinduja married his long time girlfriend, the designer Anu Mahtani, in Udaipur, India. Moreover the wedding cost £15 million and entertainment included the pop singers Jennifer Lopez, Arjun Kapoor and Nicole Scherzinger.

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