Why Trump unwelcomed in Bush's Funeral?

Washington sources reported that Washington funeral service for former President George H.W. Bush served as a rare reunion of the remaining members of the presidents club, but the front row banter among Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter and their spouses came to an end when President Donald Trump and wife Melania arrived. Meanwhile the Wednesday encounter was a real time illustration of the uneasy ties between the current occupant of the White House and his predecessors of the Oval Office fraternity.

Accordingly Trump gave the two Obamas a handshake before taking his seat in Washington’s National Cathedral without greeting the others. Hillary Clinton nodded at Melania Trump but then stared straight ahead. Furthermore the last of the five presidents to arrive was George W. Bush, who made a point to shake hands with all four couples and appeared to share a moment of humor with Michelle Obama, slipping something into her hand. Meanwhile Bush then took his seat with the rest of the Bush family, across the aisle from the ex-presidents.

Moreover Trump has gone out of his way to address Bush’s passing with consideration, issuing kind statements and ensuring that Bush family members have whatever they need for the funeral. Earlier on Tuesday, first lady Melania Trump welcomed Laura Bush and other family members for a tour of the White House Christmas decorations.

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