Expert revealed: First human frozen after death could be brought in ten years

Washington sources have stated that presently across the world there is a belief that dead person's body which is been preserved in cryogenics technology can be brought back is really stunning and had turned attention of many. Presently so far in the world around 350 persons body is been preserved under this technology.

Meanwhile cryogenics leader along with many scientists said within a matter of ten years there is a chance that they will give life to those preserved dead bodies.  He added "Chronically bringing someone back to life should definitely be doable in 100 years, but it could be as soon as ten.”

He added firstly, the cells that caused the person to die such as cancerous cells would have to be cured. Further the cells damaged by the freezing process would also need to be fixed. Finally, the cells damaged by the ageing process would be repaired. Accordingly the first human ever frozen by cryonics was Dr James Bedford, who died in 1967.

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