A road Proposal of a woman going viral

J Ancie

It is common to see a guy wooing his love.But here in this video something unusual happens.And this video is getting viral on the media A public proposal of a Chile woman to her partner went truly odd when she was left heartbroken sitting dumb on the pavement all alone.

The 1-minute 22-second video clip of the entire incident is getting so viral a. The video shows a woman in redjacket sitting cross-legged holding up an engagement ring pleasing to her boyfriend in Santiago in Chile. 

The boy accepted her love but felt embarrassed and left the place leaving her all alone. The Chile woman who is seen in the video wrote on the social media that it was just  a joke and they never expected that it would go viral. The couple in the video are already married together and they were just testing out their acting skills in public .

" height='150' width='250' width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/13gdMIuwMd4" data-framedata-border="0" allowfullscreen="">

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