Srinivas Kuchibhotla's killer not a racist?

Prasad Geeta

Shocking murder of Srinivas Kuchibhotla, Hyderabad based techie in Kansas couple of days left everyone baying for the blood of US President Donald Trump who has been advocating America First policy and going on ranting against the immigrants. 

While everyone expressed shock against the racial attack, famil f Adam Puriton claims that he was not a racist. Adele Mathews, niece of Puriton speaking to scribes expressing condolences said “First of all, I would like to deeply apologise to the victims and their families, we are sorry for their loss and the senseless actions that have occurred. My uncle was never a hateful person and was never a prejudiced person. He had a very bad drinking problem and it has progressed through the years and when my grandpa (his father) passed away in October 2015, he went downhill from there. He has been trying to get help with his drinking and physical health,“ 

She added that Puriton was never a hateful person. She revealed “My family and I have been in such shock and pain that he would do something like this.Just because it's not him to even think about killing another individual. I don't want people to think of him as a monster because that's not who he is. He just made a very , very bad decision that hurt and affected everyone around him,“ 

Pastor Hinojosa who tried to save Srinivas,went to the Austin  after it reopened. He shared "Bandon, one of the owners sat down with us for a few minutes. I bought a gift card for Ian and left it with Brandon to thank him for what he did trying to help,“ 

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