Difference between Asad and Akbar

saraswathi nikhil
The Owaisi Brothers are key players in Hyderabad politics and their kingdom is the Old City area. Over decades, they have established their empire through the MIM party and till date nothing has broken them. But then, it is heard that there is a contrasting difference between both brothers in terms of their thinking. While Akbar is more impulsive, short tempered and aggressive in his thoughts Asad is more political, strategic and thinks of the big picture before taking a decision. It is also heard that for things which require frontline activity Akbar gets into the picture while Asad sits behind and runs the show. There is news that Congress is doing its best to create differences between both brothers using few political moves but as of now, things don’t seem to be working. The unified stand both brothers are showing in their party, if they could do the same in revamping the condition of Old City, Hyderabadis will bless them. 

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