Political surveys and their effect

saraswathi nikhil
 Time and again we see many political parties and active leaders using their resources and getting surveys done. Lagadapati Rajagopal is the first name in that list and now that the 2014 elections are approaching even the government would be using its machinery and trying to find out the real voter pulse.  But the point to be noted is, how will these political surveys help? Yes, it does find its used in giving an idea about the trend of the voters but are these surveys conducted genuinely? Do they actually take the larger percentage of masses and their opinions into consideration when doing the surveys?  These days the surveys have lost their credentials because several media channels have come in and they keep giving their own projections based on the political parties they support. At the end of the day, it is the voter and how he/she thinks when casting the vote that forms the basis for political power.

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