Obama speaks on Paris attacks

The terrorists attack on Paris has became a big issue right now. Various leaders have condemned the attack. Now president Barack Obama has also condemned and said USA will not tolerate terrorism anymore. He further said, "We don't have religious affairs on our compassion

We shall focus our efforts as it relates to the refugees to the Christians that are being slaughtered. We do not close our hearts to these victims of such violence, and we will also deal with the issue of terrorism. The killings across the centre of paris is one of the worst set back.

All I can say is, we have the right strategy and we're going to see it through. We will allow our personnel to pass threat information which includes on ISIL. If you have a handful of people who don't mind dying, they can kill a lot of people. That is what terrorism is all about.

It's all about ideas and their willingness to die. There were no specific mentions of this particular attack that would give us a sense that there was something that we could provide to French authorities, for example, or act on ourselves."

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