One-year-old innocent girl molested in Mumbai...
You must have heard many stories around the world that shame humanity. One such case has come to light from mumbai, Maharashtra. A one-year-old girl was caught molesting near KEM Hospital in Mumbai. After this, a 27-year-old man has been arrested on this charge. The accused has been identified as Santosh vishnu Gautam, a resident of Mumbai. It is being told that the Bhoiwada police of mumbai has registered a case against the accused person under the sections of POCSO and molestation.
The accused had laid down next to the girl
According to the information received from the police, the girl was present near Gate No. 3 of KEM Hospital and the girl was sleeping, then the accused came and lay down next to the girl. He was allegedly doing obscene acts by touching the girl inappropriately. The mother of the victim girl saw it and complained to the nearest police station. Bhoiwada police immediately registered a case under sections of molestation and POCSO Act.
Accused caught under special campaign
After registering the case, Bhoiwada police launched a special campaign to catch the accused and arrested the accused from Parel area. Under the sections of POCSO Act, the accused is arrested for committing indecent acts with a girl (minor) below 18 years of age. It is considered a non-bailable offence.
Let us tell you that this case is not the only case in itself. Even before this, many such cases have come to light, in which people were caught molesting innocent girls and then a case was also filed against them.