All airports in Ukraine are closed..!? Modi's 20-hour journey..!!?

Sowmiya Sriram
All airports in ukraine are closed..!? Modi's 20-hour journey..!!?
Indian prime minister Narendra Modi will visit ukraine shortly. Normally, it should be said that the prime minister will land in Ukraine. but now it is said that he will join. Because Modi is going on a special train. Modi is already in Poland. From there he has to go to Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine. However, Modi, who goes to each country on a separate flight, has to travel for 20 hours to reach Kyiv this time. Modi has visited more than 70 countries so far. He went to America several times, including neighboring Bangladesh. He will go to America next month. However, the most important of them all is the trip to Ukraine. Because ukraine has been completely torn apart in the war with russia for two and a half years.
Economically, militarily, and in terms of facilities, the loss was irreparable. Even if there are 50 lakh crore, ukraine will never look like the old ukraine again. Modi's visit to such a war-torn country is probably the most visited by any indian prime minister in history. For two and a half years, ukraine has been fighting against russia without any abatement. Recently, Ukrainian troops entered Russia. Cusk region was taken under their control. On the other hand, russia is breaking out in Don Basque, which they occupied. Is this the turning point of the war between ukraine and Russia? Doubts are being expressed. However, due to the threat of air strikes from russia, all airports in ukraine were closed.
During Modi's historic visit to ukraine, he spent only seven hours in the country. But they are traveling for 20 hours to reach Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine. That means three times the travel time for the trip. Meanwhile, it is known that many articles have already appeared on the facilities of the special train intended for Modi's visit to ukraine on Friday. Many heads of european countries went to Kyiv on the same train. Modi will also join them now. What do they talk about there?

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