KCR plays while the city of Rome burns..?

Sindujaa D N

In a bizarre twist reminiscent of ancient Rome, Telangana's own kcr seems to be taking a page out of Nero's playbook. While his political empire data-faces turmoil akin to Rome burning, kcr, like Nero, is strangely preoccupied with his own activities.

The scene opens with kcr, instead of tending to the political firestorm, blissfully playing the fiddle (or in this case, driving an omni car around his farmhouse). Reports suggest that since the political defeats and the incarceration of his daughter kavitha in tihar jail, kcr has become a recluse, avoiding the very capital where his party's hopes went up in smoke.

Amidst whispers of discontent within his party, with MLAs and leaders fleeing like senators abandoning a sinking ship, KCR's response has been as unpredictable as his omni car joyrides. While party members make the pilgrimage to tihar jail to bolster Kavitha's spirits, kcr remains conspicuously absent, allegedly too engrossed in farm activities to bother with delhi or the party office debacle.

Speaking of party offices, KCR's grand plans for a new headquarters in delhi have hit a snag, much like his recent electoral campaign. The office remains unfinished, a testament to his current priorities — or lack thereof. party insiders murmur that KCR's reluctance to engage with delhi mirrors his party's inability to secure a single mp seat in the recent elections.

As for public statements, KCR's silence on Kavitha's plight has only fueled speculation. Perhaps he's composing his thoughts while cruising in his omni car, or maybe he's simply waiting for the right moment to address the circus that his political life has become.

In conclusion, while Rome burns (or in this case, hyderabad simmers), kcr seems content to fiddle away in his farmhouse, leaving his party wondering who will play the emperor next in this political drama.

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