The average temperature of the sea increased

Sekar Chandra
The average temperature of the sea increased…

The biggest problem among all these is the gradually increasing temperature of the sea, especially the upper two kilometers of the sea water, due to the increasing temperature of the Earth. According to a recent study, the sea absorbs much more heat than the land. Since 1970, about 90% of the global warming has gone to the sea. In the last two decades, the sea has been warming at twice the rate as compared to 1960 and if the sea continues to warm at this pace, it is estimated that by the end of this century the average temperature of the sea will increase by 1-4° Celsius. Like the land, heat waves are also being recorded locally in the oceans.

According to a research published in Science Direct, the indian Ocean is becoming the center of such marine heat waves, which are also related to the increased incidence of sea cyclones in the last few decades. Apart from the melting of glaciers due to global warming, the sea level also increases due to the expansion of the volume of sea water due to the increase in the temperature of the sea.

This contributes up to 40%. Over the past three decades, sea level has risen twice as fast as it did during the pre-industrial period (1850-1900 annual average), averaging 9 centimetres. Rising sea levels are also changing ocean currents, which have a major impact on global climate. Even small changes in deep-sea temperatures can release about 2.5 trillion tonnes of methane, a major greenhouse gas, trapped in the seafloor.

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