Gangster Abu Salem fears for his life!

Sekar Chandra
Gangster Abu salem fears for his life! 

Gaster Abu salem fears for his life. Abu salem has filed a petition in the mumbai Sessions Court. He has pleaded to the court not to shift him from Taloja jail to any other jail. Salem's lawyer Alisha Parekh has given detailed information about this. She told that interim relief has been granted in this case.

Lawyer Alisha Parekh said, "Abu salem has filed this petition because he feels that his life is in danger. Taloja jail has responded saying that the condition of the lower cell is not good and it needs to be rebuilt". She further said, "There is no other safe place for him, so he should be shifted to some other jail. The final debate on this will be held in the court the next day and the court's decision will come. At present we have got interim relief. Earlier, he was attacked twice and he can be attacked again.''

Abu salem is serving jail sentence in mumbai for the 1993 bomb blasts and other cases. In 2005, he was brought to mumbai from Portugal. Since then Abu salem is in Taloja jail. Abu salem says that he is safe in Taloja jail but now the Anda Cell in Taloja jail is going to be repaired, so the jail administration is trying to send him to some other jail.

Abu salem filed a petition to not be sent from Taloja jail to another jail. The court had asked the jail administration to file their reply on this. The jail administration filed their reply in the court. Now the next hearing of this case will be on june 19. According to salem, there is talk of sending him to Arthur Road Jail in mumbai, thane Jail or Kolhapur Jail. But all those jails are not safe for him because in those jails there are people from 'D Company' and Chhota Rajan gang and they can attack him. Boo salem has been attacked twice in jail.

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