Benefits of wearing topaz White Pukhraj Benefits: Not only yellow, wearing white topaz can brighten your luck

Benefits of wearing topaz

White Pukhraj Benefits: Not only yellow, wearing white topaz can brighten your luck, know the method of wearing and benefits

Many times in the horoscope of any person, the planets that bring benefits are in a weak or low position. Due to this, they have to data-face troubles and problems in life. In such a situation, according to Vedic astrology, wearing this gem (White Pukhraj Benefits) improves the position of the planets.

White Pukhraj Benefits: Not only yellow, wearing white topaz can brighten your luck, know the method of wearing and benefits

White Gemstone Wearing Benefits: In Vedic astrology, the effect of planets is considered to be very high. According to the planets, a person's nature, habits and his fate are. In such a situation, many times if the position of the planets in the horoscope is not right, then the person has to data-face many problems. In such a situation, it is advised by astrology to wear some gems. By wearing these gems, the inauspicious effects of planets are removed. The person gets benefits in life. According to astrologer Preetika Mozumdar, there is a description of 9 gems prominently in gemology. Nine gems are related to different nine planets. One of these is topaz. Topaz is also of two colors yellow and white. Today we are going to talk about white topaz.

According to Vedic astrology, yellow topaz is related to Jupiter and white topaz is related to Venus. It increases wealth, knowledge, property, opulence and happiness. By wearing it, Venus becomes influential in a person's life. Let's know the method and benefits of wearing it...

According to astrologer Preetika Mozumdar, no person can wear a gem without knowing anything. Doing this can cause loss instead of benefit. A person should wear gems only after showing the horoscope and zodiac sign. In such a situation, white topaz is very auspicious for Taurus and Libra. Apart from this, people whose horoscope has Venus in a high position. Those people can wear white topaz. Along with this, people of Aries, Scorpio and cancer zodiac signs can also wear white topaz. It strengthens Venus if it is weak in the horoscope.

Benefits of wearing topaz

Wearing topaz enhances the personality of a person. Wealth and prosperity are achieved. Material happiness is obtained. Wearing white topaz proves beneficial for people associated with business, media, fashion designing and film industry. It gives luxury in life.

Wear white topaz with this method

According to astrologer Preetika Mozumdar, it is auspicious to wear white topaz embedded in gold metal. This gemstone should be of six and a quarter to seven and a quarter ratti. White topaz should be worn in the constellation of Venus or on friday morning. Before wearing this gemstone, purify it by putting it in cow's milk or ganga water. After this, chant the seed mantra of Venus Dev at least 108 times. After this, wear white topaz. This will start showing auspicious changes in your life.

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