When will you give Rs. 1 lakh. Women gathered in Congress office!

Sekar Chandra
When will you give Rs. 1 lakh. women gathered in congress office! 

The verb that came from the election promise!

Every year to the female head of every poor family Rs. 1 lakh, the congress distributed 'Guarantee Cards' to many households. In this situation, the incident of women queuing up for a guarantee card of Rs 1 lakh at the Uttar Pradesh congress office has created a stir.

As the All india alliance made a surprise comeback in Uttar Pradesh in the ongoing lok sabha elections, an incident in lucknow where many women queued up outside the congress office to get the 'guarantee cards' promised by the congress party during the campaign has caused a stir.

Ahead of the elections, the congress had issued 'Guarantee Cards' to many households to provide assistance worth Rs 1 lakh every year to the head of each poor family. A large number of Muslim women marched outside the congress office in lucknow in the scorching sun today, the day after the counting of votes.

While some women sought 'guarantee cards', those who got them submitted forms before getting money into their accounts. Some of the women claimed to have received receipts from the congress office after submitting their forms with details of receiving the money.

Under the Mahalakshmi scheme of the congress party, monthly payments of Rs. 8,500 will be directly credited by the party. The scheme is similar to the Congress-led karnataka government's Kruha lakshmi Guarantee Scheme. In this, women from poor families will be given Rs.2,000.

Recently, at the General Post office in Bengaluru, many women rushed to open accounts expecting Rs 8,500 to be deposited into their accounts every month if india Bloc came to power at the Centre. With Team india winning 234 seats defying the polls, the nda is all set to form the next government.

The BJP-led nda won 292 seats, surpassing the majority of 272 seats. In this situation, the incident of asking women to pay Rs.1 lakh has caused surprise and shock in the political circles.

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